…restoring pride, joy and hope to generations


… building Philanthropy partnerships


Fresh Inspiration is a Christian charity with a mission to transform lives through faith; restoring pride, joy and hope to generations.

Our hearts are filled with compassion and a belief that we can all make a lasting and sustainable difference to the lives of people thereby impacting generations and reducing ongoing cycles of poverty. According to the United Nations global impact, approximately 836 million people still live at or below $1.25 per day. Beyond income alone, what matters to people is whether they are able to realise their aspirations for themselves and their families. This means having food security, access to basic services such as healthcare, shelter, food, education, and living in peaceful, stable societies.

Our greatest hope is that we (including YOU) make a tangible and lasting impact on the lives of everyone we come in contact with. We want them all to be so much better for generations because you gave and we went.

…I will make you an eternal excellence, a joy to many generations (Isaiah 60:15b)

If you wish to donate directly to Fresh Inspiration, please use the bank details below

HSBC Bank – Fresh Inspiration
Acct No: 51434675
Sortcode: 40-12-19

Thank you and God bless you.

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Copyright Fresh Inspiration 2024. All rights reserved.

Fresh Inspiration is a registered  charity no 1117603, a company limited by guarantee and registered in England  no  05614837