Made Rich by God

October 24, 2018 0

Fola Komolafe

The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. Proverbs 10:22 King James Version (KJV)

You and I are rich because of the blessing of God on our lives. In the bible there is an account of how Jacob became blessed by his father Isaac instead of his brother Esau. Isaac placed his hands on Jacobs head and blessed him. The blessing was irreversible, it did not respect the traditions of men as Esau was the first born and it was forever, so much so that today we call God the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. In the same way you need to know that God Almighty has placed His hand on your head when you became His and blessed you forever. It is irreversible, it is permanent and it has no respect for human traditions or levels. You are blessed, you are so blessed and you are so very blessed by God.

I want you to get the depth of what it means to be blessed by God. The blessing of God on your life is the divine transference from God of all that He has to you, giving you the right and ownership of all the riches, wealth, prosperity and success of God in the same measure as He has it in heaven here on earth. The bible makes it clear (Genesis 49:28, Deuteronomy 16:17) that you can’t bless someone beyond your own blessing but according to your own blessing you bless them, which is why the lesser is always blessed by the greater. You don’t ask someone to lay hands on you, that is to bless you if they do not have anything to give or add to you.

When God placed His hands on you, He blessed you with all, everything and He held nothing back. God declared you blessed the moment you came into Christ Jesus. In Ephesians 2:3, Paul writes, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed (past tense) us with every (nothing left behind, all) spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.”

God has blessed you with everything He has and it is this blessing that makes you rich, wealthy and prosperous. You cannot add anything to what you already have because you already have everything God has. The Living Bible translation of the verse above says, “The Lord’s blessing is our greatest wealth. All our work adds nothing to it.”

The blessing of God is not one thing, it is the right to everything. You need to see yourself rich already by faith and start declaring that you are rich because God has blessed you. You are not trying to be rich, you are already rich and living it out in Christ Jesus.

So I boldly say, “I am rich according to the measure of God’s riches, I am wealthy according to the measure of God’s wealth, I prosper according to the measure of God’s prosperity and I am blessed according to the measure of God’s blessing. God’s blessing on my life makes me rich, it is my greatest wealth and I thank God for it in Jesus Name.”

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