Candle of the Lord

April 29, 2022 1

Fola Komolafe

The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly. Proverbs 20:27 KJVS

I remember growing up in Nigeria and in my boarding school we would occasionally experience a power cut, and with some frustration we would all exclaim, ‘NEPA has taken the light again (lol).’ NEPA being the Nigerian Electric Power Authority.  It was not too bad if the light went out during the day but at night it was much more challenging. So we would use candles to get around and even sometimes to read. It was the only way we could bring some light to guide and direct us in the darkness.

In the same way, your spirit is the candle of the Lord which He uses to search your innermost being to bring light, illumination and guidance to you. The real you is your spirit, you have a soul which is made up of your mind, emotions and will and you live in a body. God is a Spirit (John 4:4) and He relates to you through your spirit, not your soul or your body. Your spirit is God’s candle bringing light to your innermost parts that drive your actions and behaviours. You may have heard of the phrase, ‘the heart of the matter,” I think of the core of our being as your heart which in the bible refers to the fountain and seat of your thoughts, passions, desires, appetites, affections, purposes and endeavours

God wants to bring light to your core, your innermost inward part and He will do this through your spirit which is why the condition of your spirit matters. Your human spirit enlightened by the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit and the intake of the word of God is so effective in Gods hand to eradicate darkness, innermost thoughts and motives, things deep in you that are inconsistent with Gods plan and purposes. How deep? Sometimes so hidden from the surface are the dark, hidden and innermost thoughts of man. The  candle of the Lord searches it out, exposing it and giving you the opportunity to remove it with the powerful word of God, so that it does not stop you being everything God knows you can be. You can think about it this way – you have a candle in your hand guiding you through a dark room and you come across something in your way that could trip you over and stop you moving on. What do you do? You remove it from your path and continue walking. The candle exposed it and you were able to remove it.

No wonder the Psalmist said, “For you will light my candle: the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness (Psalm 18:28).” Nobody likes being in the dark, not knowing which way to go. So we light a candle! Ask God to light your candle. Ask Him to enlighten your darkness.

Prayer: Lord, I come to you today asking you to light my candle and enlighten anything in my innermost parts, my heart that will not lead me in your path. I want to be guided by you everyday and I know you guide me through my spirit, so help me to grow spiritually feeding on your word and becoming more and more aware of your Spirit in me in the name of Jesus.

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One comment

  • Bongi

    May 29, 2021 at 17:27

    This has blessed me today. I resonate with the illustrations. This has put a new insight to my understanding of this scripture. Thank you for the prayer too.


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