Doing What He wants me to do.

December 19, 2018 1

Fola Komolafe

What you should want most is God’s kingdom and doing what he wants you to do. Then he will give you all these other things you need. Matthew 6:33

Some days you wake up just knowing you need to affirm who you are in Christ and your position in Him once again. It may be because you are believing God for something and you are actively standing in faith or you need to take control of the thoughts that are trying to capture your hearts. It is at moments like this that you know what is really on the inside of you. I had one of those moments earlier this week and I was so reassured to hear myself saying immediately, “my heart is steadfast trusting in the Lord and God keeps me in perfect peace because my mind is stayed on Him.”

I had not read these scriptures recently but because they had been deposited in my heart before, the Holy Spirit could bring them to my remembrance when I needed them. The bible says the Holy Spirit will remind us of the things that Jesus said, so I want to encourage us all to keep hearing, keep reading and keep meditating on the word of God as often as we can. This way the word of God will become our source of strength, encouragement, guidance and wisdom when we need it the most.

So another beautiful thing happened as I got very excited reading and meditating on Matthew 6:31 – 33 from the Easy to Read version. It says, “Don’t worry and say, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ That’s what those people who don’t know God are always thinking about. Don’t worry, because your Father in heaven knows that you need all these things. What you should want most is God’s kingdom and doing what he wants you to do. Then he will give you all these other things you need.

As I read this I pictured how good earthly fathers provide for all the needs of their children with great pleasure and delight. I pictured how children never have to beg their fathers to provide for them because it is what they do and they do it joyfully according to what they have. You may even find yourself saying to your children, ‘are you sure you do not need some more? or here is a little extra so you can treat yourself’

Now multiply that so many times over as you relate this to your Heavenly Father. He so much more delights in prospering you abundantly according to His riches (and He owns everything, all the gold and all the silver, in fact everything in heaven and on earth is His); and based on His knowledge of all that you need, He works immediately to ensure it is completely met even before you realise you have the need. If only we could believe this (wow) for He is indeed an Awesome God and Bountiful Giver.

So please don’t spend all your time thinking how will this happen. It says this is what those who don’t know God as their heavenly father spend all their time doing. Instead think about the greatness, glory and richness of the kingdom of God that you have become a citizen of with the angels, the host of heaven and the many millions of saints in heaven and on earth. Think about the kingdom of God that is already in you and what God wants you to do. He is saying to you, that because you have His kingdom you already have everything you need.

In my excitement I got so emboldened dancing around my living room with my dog proclaiming, “My Heavenly Father has already given me everything I need and with the help of God, the Holy Spirit, and the Kingdom of God firmly established in my heart, I am doing all what God wants me to do.”

You should shout out the same because this is what we want the most……

One comment

  • VinuyonRamos

    December 25, 2018 at 15:02

    Awesome !! He has and always has had our back . He hasn’t failed us and he is not about to. He gives us all we need, all we need is faith / absolute trust and confidence in his love and provision. Thank you for sharing ???


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